T A B LE O F C O N T E N TSJuly 20195 Hello From Glancer Magazine7 5 Things to Do9 Scene Around Suburbia10ON THE COVER: Simple Living13 Literary Local13 West Suburban VIP15 Dining + Entertainment15 Savory & Sweet Sisters16 Kid Stuff17 To Give, To Inspire19 Mom’s Little Black Book21 Home Bliss: Real Estate News22 Home Enhancement Guide25Summer Beatification26 7 Spectacular StaycationsSIMPLE LIVINGAs you are enjoying summer, we want to thank you for taking time out of yourday to read our community living magazine. We hope you are sitting poolsideas you glance through our pages while basking in the summer sun. Each July we scale back our schedules a bit and focus more on simple living –giving our team time to spend with their families. We encourage our readers todo the same, not letting one moment of summer pass them by. Whether thismeans spending the day on the town with extended family, walking to the parkwith the kids, or hanging out in their backyard planting flowers– whatever yourperfect summer day may be, we hope you enjoy many of them this summer.Soon, it will be time to prepare for back-to-school and all of thechaos and craziness that comes with it, so let’s take this monthto relax and simplify. Make those summer recipes you’vebeen saving on Pinterest. Try a class at that local yoga stu-dio your friend has been raving about. Hop on the Metraand enjoy a fun downtown attraction with the kids. What-ever you do, simplify and enjoy! Thanks for reading. Lindy KleivoPublishing Director, West Suburban Arealkleivo@glancermagazine.comPUBLISHERGlancer Magazine, Inc. PUBLISHING DIRECTORLindy KleivoEDITORIAL | Print + DigitalKristen Kucharski Columnist / WriterMindy Kyle Columnist / WriterStephanie Schmoker Dining CriticTiffany Schmoker Dining CriticKristen & Brooke Kainrath, ColumnistsSALES / MARKETINGLindy Kleivo Publishing DirectorPHOTOGRAPHY Mike CatuaraMike Mantucca PRINT + DIGITAL MONTHLY Reaching DuPage, Kane & Kendallwith 6 Area-Specific Titles MonthlyDIGITAL CONTENT | Daily + WeeklySee Our Mobile Responsive Website atwww.GlancerMagazine.com, Glancer Go-ToGuide, Glancer Magazine’s Online Marketplace +Event Site. Create a FREE Membership & UploadYour Local Content Today! Content May Be Chosen for Print Publication. Upgraded Marketing& PR Memberships AvailableCOMMUNITY FEATURESPress Releases, Local Events, Community Newseditorial@glancermagazine.comADVERTISINGPrint & Online Advertisingadvertising@glancermagazine.comSUBSCRIPTIONSReceive Every Issue Delivered Direct (12x/yr)www.glancermagazine.comPUBLISHED BYGlancer Magazine, Inc.80 Main Street, Suite CSugar Grove, IL 60554(630) 428-4387www.glancermagazine.comGlancer Magazine, highlighting the best ofDuPage, Kane & Kendall Counties, is pro-duced by Glancer Magazine, Inc. Glancer Magazine, You’ve Been Glancedand the Glancer logo are registered trade-marks of Glancer Magazine, Inc. All rightsreserved. Magazine reproduction in wholeor in part is strictly prohibited. WEST SUBURBAN CHICAGOFeaturing DuPage • Kane • KendallJuly 2019 |Vol 18 | Simple LivingHealthy, Holistic, Happy – Celebrating SimpleLiving this Month with Featured Health &Wellness Influencers, Trends in SimplifyingEveryday Living and More – Plus All of YourRecurring Monthly Favorites!©Copyright 2019 All Rights ReservedGlancer Magazine, Inc. Glancer Magazine • JUNE 2019 • WESTERN SUBURBS • 5
6 • WESTERN SUBURBS• JULY 2019 • Glancer Magazine Order a Free Digital Subscription to Receive lancer Daily at www. lancerMagazine.com
1. 2019 LAST FLINGNAPERVILLE – The Naperville Jaycees Last Flingis a community festival held over Labor Day Week-end near Downtown Naperville. 26 national, regionaland local musical acts will perform throughout theweekend on 2 stages! Sunday is Special NeedsDay, offering priority no-wait seating for the Carnivalrides. Monday, in addition to the Fling Mile andLabor Day Parade, the “Jaycees Support OurTroops”, welcoming Military Veterans for a compli-mentary lunch and entertainment. www.lastfling.orgGlancer Magazine • JULY 2019 • WESTERN SUBURBS • 7SUMMER 20195. FOR THE LOVE OF ART IN THE PARKST. CHARLES – Mt. St. Mary Park in St. Charlespresents a striking and engaging sculpture exhi-bition against the backdrop of nature’s seasonalbeauty. Nestled among the maples, oaks, andpines of a shady arboretum and with the tranquilFox River as its eastern border, Sculpture in thePark features sculptural masterpieces made fromvarious mediums by artists from all over the coun-try and an array of pieces in the permanent col-lection. People of all ages are welcome to enjoythis magnificent free exhibit of original and uniquesculpture. Whether you’re biking, strolling or pic-nicking, this downtown park offers something foreveryone. www.stcsculpture.org2. ENJOY GOOD FOOD, GREAT VIEWS AT THE RIVERWALK CAFÉ!NAPERVILLE–Head to the Riverwalk Café this sum-mer and enjoy outdoor dining in a beautiful setting –right on the Riverwalk! Choose from a variety of ap-petizers, salads, sandwiches, kid favorites and more.Quench your thirst with a local draft beer, glass ofwine or fountain drink, or indulge with one of our milk-shakes. Stop by on Saturdays and Sundays for hot-off-the-grill items. Pet-friendly patio, too! Visit www.napervilleparks.org/riverwalkcafe for menu and hours. 4. SUNDAY AT SANDWICH ANTIQUE FLEAMARKET • Every Second Sunday Held at Sandwich FairgroundsSANDWICH–Enjoy a relaxing day in Sandwich!Timeworn Productions welcomes you to the Sun-day At Sandwich Antique Flea Market featuring An-tiques, Industrial, Vintage, Furniture, Garden &Everything else in between! Join us every secondSunday under the beautiful oaks at the historicSandwich Fairgrounds and discover the manytreasures our dealers bring to you! While in towndon’t forget to visit the many antique shops andrestaurants Sandwich, Illinois has to offer! Westrive to provide both guests and dealers an out-standing experience! Happy Picking! www.sundayatsandwichantiques.com3. MAKE DOWNTOWN DOWNERS YOUR SUMMER DESTINATIONDOWNERS GROVE–Downtown DownersGrove plays host to a handful of weekly freeevents throughout the summer. SummerNights Classic Car Show (Friday), IndianBoundary YMCA Downtown Market (Satur-day) and the DG Park Distrcit Summer Con-cert Series (Tuesday). In addition to thesefun events, discover our delicious restau-rants and unique boutiques. www.downtowndg.org
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You’ve Been lanced!Photos by Mike CatuaraVisit Us Online for Hundreds of Additional Photos from Each of these Events at www.glancermagazine.com/scene-around-suburbiaGlancer Magazine • JULY 2019 • WESTERN SUBURBS • 9NJWC 2019 Woman of the Year Awards www.napervillejuniors.orgOn June 12 Naperville Junior Womans Club celebrated some outstanding women for their contribu-tions to Naperville and/or the business community. The event was the first NJWC Woman of the YearAwards Dinner held at Mesón Sabika. All proceeds from this event fund the NJWC Michelle LaFreyFregoso Scholarship Program, which annually awards scholarship grants to Naperville School District203 and/or District 204 seniors. Emily Erickson Ory was chosen as the 2019 Woman of the Year froma list of nominees, including 5 finalists chosen by 3 community enthusiasts who were invited to bejudges– Dr. Lisa Pinto Christina Klein Emily Erickson Ory Kristy Sullivan Amanda Wittenborn SusanBrown Jordan Holwell Elizabeth Gigler Liz Doyle Dennise Vaughn Maureen Walgren Christina CatonKitchel Marion Ruthig Bianca Morin Katie Wood Christine Jeffries Nicki Anderson Kristi Dean GlancerMagazine was a proud sponsor of this event along with many other community businesses. For moreinformation about Naperville Junior Woman's Club visit www.napervillejuniors.org/ Invite Our Team to Your Event www.GlancerMagazine.com®
JUDY MCBETH, DVM, CVA | OswegoFox Ridge Veterinary ClinicJudy wanted to be a Vet ever since she was a little girl and read all the JamesHerriott books, such as All Creatures Great and Small, and others he wrote.She thought that his work was fascinating and liked his lifestyle, while also per-sonally enjoying subject matters like biology and science, so becoming a Vet fitperfectly.Dr. McBeth incorporates holistic medicine and acupuncture, along with the useof essential oils and deep tissue laser therapy mixed with western medicine tocare for pets in the community. She also uses her Traditional Chinese Veteri-nary Medical skills to choose herbal blends that are best to heal the body, aswell as acupuncture for many conditions from pain management to seizures andallergies.She believes in minimizing daily stress and ensuring to always take care of one’sself to protect our mental health. In her own personal life, she enjoys gardening,scrapbooking, and jewelry making while diffusing essential oils such as Laven-der, Peace and Calming, and Stress Away to maintain her tranquil lifestyle.Giving back to the community is also a large part of her peace and Fox RidgeVeterinary Clinic accepts donations for the Kendall County Community Pet FoodPantry that provides food and supplies for over 1,200 dogs and cats monthly. 10 • WESTERN SUBURBS• JULY 2019 • Glancer Magazine Order a Free Digital Subscription to Receive lancer Daily at www. lancerMagazine.comHOLISTICINFLUENCERSTO KNOWDEBBIE LADEUR | NapervilleRegional Vice President, ArbonneDebbie loves cooking healthy recipes with her husband Jeff and threeboys, Luke (24), Andrew (22), and Nate (16); indulging in hot fudge sun-daes; and then burning it all off as a Zumba instructor. Additionally, asthe Regional Vice President of Arbonne, she has a passion for helpingothers feel better about their skin and overall health by sharing with themthe ease of simple choices to gain energy, lose weight, and feel great!“You have one body that God gave you, when you take care of yourself,eating healthy, using healthy products on your skin I believe you will livea happier, fruitful life,” Debbie says. “When you feel good, it shows in allaspects of your life.”Since life is very busy, her favorite go-to snack is Arbonne’s deliciouschocolate protein shakes because they are quick to make, nutritious,vegan and keep you full until lunch or dinner. She also loves organichardboiled eggs with avocado, or organic green apples since they haveless sugar than a red.Debbie feels blessed to have helped people get off of prescription med-ications, sleep better, think clearer, and find energy that they neverthought they could ever feel again! (Debbie is pictured Above)by Kristen KucharskiPhotos by Mike Mantucca
Glancer Magazine • JULY 2019 • WESTERN SUBURBS • 11GLENNA ARMESY | Sugar GroveEarth’s SecretAfter earning her Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, Glenna pursued classes inthe study of Chinese Medicine and Macrobiotics and became a Certified Shi-atsu Acupressure, Certified Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapy Specialist, andCertified Healthy Lifestyle Coach. “All of my past education has contributed to my journey to where I am today,”she says. “I help educate clients to use herbal supplements, essential oilsand phytonutrients as alternatives for their own health care, and use botan-icals, including essential oils to formulate Earth’s Secret products.”Glenna, along with her husband and children make Pure Mineral Makeup,Pure Skin Care products, and Pure soap products exclusively from pure min-erals crushed into powder form and botanicals that have natural healingqualities, with no dyes, no artificial fragrances, no synthetic ingredients, andno harmful or toxic preservatives. She lives by the perpetual question, “'Did God make it or did man adulterateor synthesize it?” Then she recommends always choosing the 'God madeit' option for a healthier, happier life.Glenna still has guilty pleasures, but they remain health conscious, such as a gluten free, low carb strawberry shortcake with aquafaba cream or E2 Basics Chocolate Mousse from the book The Engine 2 Diet by Rip Esselstyn. MARLA SHUMAN | WheatonJoyful HolisticsMarla is a Certified Natural Therapeutic Specialist, IL Licensed Mas-sage Therapist, Yoga Instructor, F.I.R.E. Firewalking Instructor, ReikiMaster and Teacher and believes in the philosophy of Natural Thera-peutics, as well as Dr. Henry Lindlar words that “only God and Natureheal and we are able to bring our body, mind and spirit into balancethrough proper diet, exercise, massage and bodywork, herbal reme-dies, and fasting, ample rest.”She has loved nature and natural remedies since she was a kid. Shewould make potions of shampoos and soaps and perfume into mixingbottles and spray them around the house or use them like lotions. Asan adult, Marla applied this fascination at the New Mexico School ofNatural Therapeutics and now makes remedies as a Natural Thera-peutic Specialist. Marla shares her passion through her business, Joyful Holistics inWheaton. She wholly believes in living a holistic lifestyle and hasn’thad a prescription in over 13 years. Her favorite healthy snack issprouted flax cracker pizza with fresh sprouts; and her guilty pleasureis organic vegan chocolate. To de-stress, she hits the yoga mat to in-stantly change her mindset and she is an example of health throughher hobbies, displaying happiness through painting, singing, dancing,and meditation.FOLLOW OUR WEEKLY DIGITAL VERSION Share Each Holistic Influencer’s Story and Many More LocalFeatures All Week Long at www.GlancerMagazine.com
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LINDSAY ROBERTSON | America: Beautifully UniqueWe are all red, white and blue this month in honor of our great country. Auroraauthor, Lindsay Robertson wanted to create a book geared toward childrenthat helped them celebrate the United States with fun facts in the form ofrhymes. As a mother of a child of Down Syndrome and the Vice President ofthe organization, Save Down Syndrome, she noted that there were very fewbooks that featured kids who are differently abled. America: BeautifullyUnique, co-authored by Devon Goddard, showcases amazing illustrations andfeatures pictures of kids with Down Syndrome from each state, highlightingnot only the beauty in these kids, but the states as well. “I wanted to changethat,” says Lindsay. “I wanted to promote inclusion everywhere, including theliterary world.”There are currently two more books in the works, one involving the 7 conti-nents and countries within them and one highlighting siblings of individualswith Down Syndrome and their relationship. “Our main goal for these publi-cations is to get them into schools and libraries to promote inclusion for thespecial needs community,” says Lindsay.You can purchase America: Beautifully Unique on Amazon.Know a Local Author in DuPage, Kane or Kendall County? Introduce Us at editorial@glancermagazine.comGlancer Magazine • JULY 2019 • WESTERN SUBURBS • 13WES T SUB U RB A N VIPMEET CHRISTOPHER WEAVEROF SUGAR GROVEAurora Illinois Police DepartmentLip-syncing Madonna’s Express Yourselfwhile fully uniformed in an Aurora IllinoisPolice Department squad car is one ofthe many videos Officer Chris Weaverhas made to convey important mes-sages to the west suburban commu-nity. His rocking imitation of Sammy Hagarsinging I Can’t Drive 55 had nearly 9,000views on Facebook as he encourageddrivers to slow down; reminding them to puttheir cell phones down, make completestops, and overall do a better job of paying at-tention while they drive.These viral videos have gained national attention and Officer Weaver does get rec-ognized from time to time, but his intentions are not for personal gain but rather forthe greater good.“I am incredibly thankful that the videos connect with people,” he says. “It's notabout going viral or how many views-likes-shares you get, it's about the message.I want the people of this community to know that enforcement is just one aspect ofwhat we do on a daily basis. I want them to feel comfortable speaking with us be-cause we are people too. We are Husbands, Fathers, Wives, Mothers, Sons andDaughters too.”Weaver is married with two sons and has two dogs. He graduated from West AuroraHigh School in 1997 and his fondest memories from his childhood always involvedhis younger brother from Little League to Summer Stage - and even causing mildmischief. “I was NOT the kid who grew up knowing I wanted to be a Police Officer at all,” heshares. “My father worked for the Aurora Police Department for 31 years and retiredas a Commander, but neither of my parents ever pushed any of us into one careeror another. They guided us and let us choose our own paths.” While earning his degree in Acting at Illinois State University, Law Enforcementstruck a chord with Weaver, but not because his father had been an officer, but be-cause he always loved helping people.He began doing ride-a-longs with various departments and even started testing priorto graduation. The defining moment came when he was in bed in his dorm on themorning of September 11th, 2001. “My mom called and told me to put on the television because a plane had struck theWorld Trade Center,” he says. Weaver made up his mind that day to be an Officer of the Law. -Kristen KucharskiPhotos by Mike MantuccaNAPER NIGHTS OUTDOOR CONCERTSJuly 19’s list of rockers includes Simply Billy, aBilly Joel tribute, opening for The Belfast Cow-boys, a Van Morrison tribute. July 20 pays trib-ute to a major milestone in American history,the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. Fea-turing Space Face, a David Bowie tribute,opening for Think Floyd USA, a Pink Floyd trib-ute, this galactic line-up will include ThinkFloyd USA playing the chart-topping album“Dark Side of the Moon” in its entirety. NaperSettlement, 523 S. Webster St., Napervillewww.napernights.org
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WESTERN SUBURBS – The crisp and clean air of summer brings simplicity tothe menus for wholesome clean eating at these west suburban restaurants. Green Healthy Café in Lisle offers a unique style of healthy homemade dishesthat can be quickly prepared with the highest quality ingredients and nutrition. NoGMOs; gluten-free foods; no dairy products except Greek plain yogurt which pro-vides healthy probiotics; no sugar, only nature’s sweetness (maple syrup andhoney); cage-free eggs; all providing fresh food daily with no preservatives.Gia Mia has locations in both Geneva and Wheaton and is rolling out a newbeverage menu for the summer. Their focus is chef-driven, farm-to-fork food con-cepts such as Neapolitan style wood-fired pizzas, creative small plates, freshhomemade pasta, antipasto, and hand-made mozzarella.Artisan Table in Naperville works hard toward their farm to fork concept throughevery seed they plant and foster partnerships with Heritage Prairie Farm, Colum-bia Street Roastery, Chicago 250, Twisted Olive and Farm Logix for their passionand pride in growing local, organic and sustainable products to make and servedelicious wholesome goodness in every meal.Southern Belles Pancake House in Yorkville is a standard American breakfastdiner also offering vegan options on the menu, highlighting specialty items suchas kale wraps, quinoa sliders, pancakes, tofu scrambles, and oatmeal.Urban Counter has locations in Aurora, Chicago, Hinsdale, Naperville, St.Charles, and Wheaton and is an American Fare restaurant offering made to orderBurgers, Salads, Sandwiches, Shakes and more, which are all made using freshlocally sourced products. The entire menu was crafted with the highest qualityingredients in mind. From casual lunches to formal dining, enjoy health and wellness mixed with sun-shine and summertime vibes. -Kristen KucharskiSI MPLIF I E D W EST S UB URBAN DINI NGSanto Cielo123 Water Street #509, Naperville(630)323-0700 • www.stcielo.comOwners: Rodrigo Cano & Julio CanoGeneral Manager: Emiliano GottigA FRESH WAY TO BRUNCH IN NAPERVILLESitting atop Hotel Indigo, offering fresh views of downtown Naperville and a fresh andexciting brunch menu, is Santo Cielo. Owners and brothers, Rodrigo Cano and JulioCano are known for their group of Latin restaurants, but with Santo Cielo they devel-oped a menu with midwest roots then added global influence. On Sundays they hosta brunch like no other. With trendy décor, good vibes, affordability and breathtakingvistas– it is a favorite of many! Our server, Marcel Perez was prompt and knowledgeable. We started with two uniquemocktails that would liven up any meal. The Maiden Voyage’s grapefruit, lemon, topochico and 7-herb syrup mixture was the perfect balance. The Paloma was light andrefreshing with grapefruit and lime. Both were the perfect introduction to our diningexperience. Along with the brunch price of thirty dollars your meal includes a made to order omelet,peruse the cold plate area along the bar or walk inside the kitchen to indulge in thewarm plate options. The variety is a nice surprise from the usual brunch faire. Coldplate options include both quinoa and farro salads – both favorites of ours. The healthyoptions went nice with yogurt parfaits topped with a gooseberry puree, fresh ripenedberries and a touch of granola. The diced fresh melon with a sprig of mint was simple,but elegant. Among the charcuterie board and a smoked salmon board, you will findthe most succulent shrimp paired with a house made cocktail sauce and fresh oysters. Wander into the open kitchen and enjoy a carving station of prime rib and pork belly,scrambled eggs, rosemary potatoes, sautéed vegetables and perfectly cooked bacon.The flavor in the chilaquiles will spice up your morning and keep you wanting more.Muffins, donuts and bagels paired with a chive or guava cream cheese are delightful.A variety of brick oven pizzas and avocado toast are a change from the usual bruncharray. Make sure to try the most delectable French toast both flavorful and creamy/but-tery yet delicate. A new spin on chicken and waffles is the juicy chicken covered inwaffle batter served along side a spicy and sweet orange marmalade.What a beautiful way to start the day this summer, whether withfriends or the whole family. Open air dining with a fresh brunchmenu and a kitchen with no boundaries!ABOUT THE CRITICS Stephanie (right) & Tiffany (left) Schmoker are west suburban sisterswho have always shared a love for dining out and they also enjoy cooking together. Theycame from a family of 7 and grew up on farm with fresh fruits, veggies and more. Watch fortheir review of a different west suburban restaurant in each issue of Glancer Magazine. Invitethem to your eatery at editorial@glancermagazine.com.WEST SU B U RB A N ED I BLES TO LOVEGlancer Magazine • JULY 2019 • WESTERN SUBURBS • 15
Moon Mania!July 18 • 6:30-9:30pmSUGAR GROVE–Celebrate the50th anniversary of the Apollo11 moon landing at WaubonseeCommunity College! MoonMania is a free, family-friendlycommunity event on Waubon-see’s Sugar Grove campus onThursday, July 18 from 6:30-9:30 p.m. See real artifacts fromNASA including moon rocks, an astronaut's helmet, an astronaut's meal andmore. View the night sky through a telescope and enjoy snacks, crafts, gamesand fun surprises. Don’t miss this out-of-this-world experience! Visit waubonsee.edu/moon to RSVP.Play More this Summer at DuPage Children’s MuseumNAPERVILLE–Explore, create, build, dis-cover, think, play, and more! Every visit isan adventure in fun and learning (with a lit-tle silliness mixed in). DCM Express, a minipop-up experience featuring trains, hasrolled into the Museum for the summer,along with Art Is Instrumental Remix. Bothback by popular demand! June 28 - 29,practice your problem-solving skills and ex-plore your creativity through a variety of ac-tivities at Maker Days. There’s alwayssomething fun going on at DCM. www.dupagechildrens.org, (630) 637-8000Summer fun is in full swing and this month we’re here to help you make eachday fun and memorable, leaving a lasting impression on the kids. From amaz-ingly awesome summer events and activities to unique finds the kids will love–there’s something to fill yoru calendar morning ‘til night all summer long. Seemore summer fun events and ideas at www.GlancerMagazine.com.16 • WESTERN SUBURBS• JULY 2019 • Glancer Magazine Order a Free Digital Subscription to Receive lancer Daily at www. lancerMagazine.comCamp Art Fiesta! July 16-19NAPERVILLE–Unleash your child’s creativ-ity this summer! This happy art camp pro-vides children a wonderful introduction to arange of diverse forms of visual art. In thefour day camp, each day is an art adventurethat includes projects like canvas painting,ceramics, mosaics, soap and candle mak-ing. All materials are provided. Classes areled by professional artists. A Colorful Affair,Downtown Naperville, (630) 229-8527Dates: July 16, 17, 18, 19, Times: 10am-12:30pm, Ages: 8 to 11 YearsPlace Your Business itle HereMAKE IT CREATIVE– Write something catchy &creative to help entice our readers to shop at yourbusiness. This is the perfect space for any localbusiness that is looking to gain new customers andmore exposure in the local marketplace. Writesomething catchy & creative to help entice ourreaders to shop at your business. This is the perfectspace for any local business that is looking to gainnew customers and more exposure in the localmarketplace. Call today for details! Kid Friendly AviationJuly 13 at CantignySecond Saturday Family ProgramWHEATON–Families are invited to the McCormickHouse’s monthly drop-in program with interactivethemes. Activities this month will recall Cantigny’s sur-prising connection to aviation—Colonel McCormickhad a landing strip on the grounds and Charles Lind-bergh once visited the estate! Try your hand at mak-ing a paper airplane and test it against other visitorsfor distance. Free program; parking $10. CantignyVisitors Center, 12 to 3pm. www.cantigny.orgYOUR PHOTO + LOGO HERE
Glancer Magazine • JULY 2019 • WESTERN SUBURBS • 17WE GROW DREAMS GREENHOUSE OFWEST CHICAGOAh, yes – it’s summer and the sea-son I gear up for gardening andlandscaping. I am ready to forget allthat snow and torrential rain for lushflower beds and tasty fresh vegeta-bles. If you are inspired as well to startyour planting, I would urge you toconsider supporting the We GrowDreams Greenhouse in WestChicago. They grow nearly 1000variety of plants, including annuals,perennials, vegetables, herbs, suc-culents, and fall mums. However, what makes We GrowDreams Greenhouse different isthey are one of DuPage and KaneCounty’s largest employers for peo-ple with disabilities. The programbegan 15 years ago with the verysimple mission dedicated to trainingand employing people with disabili-ties and giving them an opportunityfor paid employment.Currently, We Grow Dreams em-ploys 30 team members. Each yearthey bring in new team membersfrom various high schools and or-ganizations including individualswho are seeking employment. “Weare most proud of the fact that ourteam members are being paid towork and learn how to conductthemselves properly in a work envi-ronment,” says Gregg Bettcher, Ex-ecutive Director for We GrowDreams Greenhouse. “Skills likebeing on time, dressing properly,how to listen to instruction, how tocomplete tasks and punch in andout are all a part of working at WeGrow Dreams.” In doing this, thefoundation honors the concepts ofhuman dignity, respect, hard work,fellowship and friendship. The team members are instrumen-tal in many facets of both productionand maintenance of the groundsand growing houses and are in-volved in the everyday tasks ofpreparing the pots for filling andplanting. In addition to greenhousework, the team members also gar-den the raised beds and grow veg-etables for food banks throughoutthe suburbs.Our communities can help supportthe We Grow Dreams Foundationby purchasing their spring, summerand fall plants from the Greenhouseas well as following their Facebookpostings to keep up with donationneeds and fundraising events. Visitthem at www.wegrowdreams.organd the greenhouse located at 1055W. Washington in West Chicago.Mindy’s July Giving Inspiration:Participate in a clean-up day in yourneighborhood.ABOUT THE WRITERMindy Kyle isthe owner of BeInspired Stu-dios and is pas-sionate abouthelping peoplediscover what bringsthem joy and to live a full,healthy and happy life. She has herMasters in Fine Arts degree in creativewriting from DePaul University and livesin Naperville with her husband, threechildren and the cutest dog in the land. MON T HLY COLU MNWEST SU B URB A N REA L ES T A TEChicago’s west suburban real estate market boasts a variety of unique homesfor sale in beautiful neighborhoods with award-winning school districts andmore. We invite you to schedule a tour of this featured property today and getto know this listing agent for your next move! LISTING TO LOVE♥1204 Bards Ave, NapervilleOffered for $529,900Ashbury subdivision show stopper with school /Pace bus on the corner~ situatedon an elegant spacious corner lot. Meticulous updates todays buyer will love in-cludes Plantation shutters, hardwood floors, Sunroom with sky light, total MasterBath Renovation with white free standing tub & seamless glass walk in shower.Newer Anderson windows, new roof & freshly painted exterior. Outdoor livingspace landscaped to perfection with manicured beds, paver patio and under-ground sprinkler system. Pool & Tennis Club community. Call Luxury ListingAgent Susan Colella, (630) 946-3813LISTING TO LOVE♥
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MONT HLY COLU MNFIT FUN ON THE WATER!Standup Paddleboard-ing has been all therage for the past cou-ple of years but typi-cally we see peopledoing it on vacation orat their lake houses; butdid you know you can doit right here in the west sub-urbs too? It started a couple yearsago in the Naperville Quarry with afew morning sessions offered throughNaperville Kayak, and has now growninto daily opportunities from 10 a.m.to dusk for kids 8 years and older. Ifyour kids are younger than 8 yearsold, no problem at the NapervilleQuarry – just send your 8 year old offon the paddleboard and grab a pad-dleboat or double kayak for you andyour littles, so you can all explore thewater together. For those teenagers who are not soeasy to entertain for the 3 longmonths of the summer, and perhapsalso remaining a bit too sedentary fix-ated on Snapchat or Instagram, headto Paddleboard Yoga at Batavia ParkDistrict where you only have to be 14years or older to participate. My girlsand their friends tend to be upsidedown more than rights side up 90% ofthe time and also have the flexibilityof a rubber band, so paddleboardyoga is a perfect fit for them to havesome fun while exercising and keep-ing cool. Naperville Park District alsooffers morning Paddleboard Yoga atCentennial Beach twice a week forteens 16 years and older. What I love about these water oppor-tunities is that I am able to join themin the fun and also happen to still beable to do the splits, so I can providelots of embarrassing entertainment forthe yogi crowd!OVERVIEWEnjoy the calming sensa-tion of the water whilestrengthening your core,improving your balance,and have fun!Naperville Kayaks offersstandup paddleboard(SUP) rentals to kids asyoung as 8 years old topractice paddling in the Quarryevery day, all day long, all summerlong! SUP Yoga is back at theNaperville Park District every Tues-day and Thursday 7:45 a.m. to 8:45a.m. for teens 16 and older; and for 14years and older at the Batavia ParkDistrict July 8th through 29th on Mon-days, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.; July 21, Sun-day 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.; and August 4th,Sunday, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. Batavia Park Districtwww.BataviaParks.orgNaperville Park Districtwww.NapervilleParks.orgNaperville Kayakwww.NapervilleKayak.comHours: Weather permittingPrice $: Varies by Location/SelectionFor Hundreds of Mom’s Little Black Book Adven-tures for All Ages,Written by Kristen through theYears, Visit www.glancermagazine.com/moms-little-black-bookABOUT THE WRITERNaperville mom KristenKucharski graduated fromIllinois State University in1992 with an Interna-tional Business Degree.She is married and hastwo energetic daughtersand her house is always fullof children. Kristen’s column ti-tled, Mom's Little Black Book, is a monthly featurewritten for moms who are looking for ways tokeep their kids busy. Glancer Magazine • JULY 2019 • WESTERN SUBURBS • 19
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PERSONABLE, ENERGETIC & CREATIVEREAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL SUSAN COLELLA of BAIRD & WARNER–This proud Naperville resident shares that helping localsellers and buyers doesn’t feel like work, making iteasy to be dedicated and accessible. When shelists a home, she spends hours with herclients and always asks "what do you loveabout your home?" This is the first inspi-ration to creating original descriptions &designing unique ways of marketing onthe Internet and to targeted individuals.Restyling her listings, professionalphotographs with drone shots, andconstant follow-up with all parties, isher recipe for success. You canreach Susan anytime to discussyour real estate needs and wants.Susan Colella, Baird & Warner,(630) 946-3813Glancer Magazine • JULY 2019 • WESTERN SUBURBS • 21VISIT THIS 10,000 SQ FT SHOWROOMHOMEWERKS KITCHEN AND BATHRecognized as a premiere remodeling company,this 10,000 square foot showroom is truly inspir-ing. Family owned and operated since 1996,HomeWerks specializes in full service remodel-ing. The kitchen and bath displays are interac-tive, allowing visitors to experience manyproduct features first hand. With the focus ofproviding high quality products, professional in-stallation and exceptional customer service,HomeWerks has been a welcomed addition tothe Naperville community. HomeWerks Kitchenand Bath • 1154 E. Ogden Avenue, Naperville(866) 265-8895 • www.myhomewerks.comS U M M E R 2 0 1 9BUY OR SELL WITH THIS EXPERIENCED REALTORTERESA RYAN, BROKER–Teresa and her team at Ryan Hill Group (Cen-tury 21 Affiliated), have served home buyers and sellers in Naperville andthe Western Suburbs since 2001. With over $1 billion sold, Teresa and herteam are devoted to serving the needs of luxury, traditional, and invest-ment real estate clients looking to buy or sell. Clients can expect MarketExpertise, VIP Customer Service and Best in Class Marketing. By placingclient needs first to ensure superior results, the team is proud to give backto our Community. Experience the difference. Call for a personal consul-tation today. Teresa Ryan, Broker • (630) 253-7660 tryan@ryanhillgroup.com • www.ryanhillgroup.com100+ ZILLOW REVIEWSPENNY O’BRIEN–Penny’s creative and aggressive marketingstrategies earned her the 2018 Innovative Property MarketingAward from john greene Realtor. “I don’t just market myself,”she says. “I market a home in every one of my advertise-ments.” As a certified Real Estate Negotiation Expert, shelands the best price and terms for each client. In multiple-offersituations, it’s her broad negotiation experience that helps winthe home. Her clients say they appreciate her candor in tellingthem what they need to do to sell their home, as opposed towhat they want to hear. Penny O'Brien Broker | RelocationSpecialist | Negotiation Expert • (630) 207-7001 PennyOBrien@johngreenerealtor.comHOW CAN I CHANGE THELOOK OF MY HARDWOODFLOOR? The Buff & Coatprocess makes it easy tochange from a matte to aglossy look or vice versa. Weremove unsightly surfacescuffs and scratches andapply a new coat of finish with adustless, odorless, one-dayprocess. Choose from matte, satin,semi-gloss or gloss finish. For pric-ing, request a free, in-home esti-mate from Ray Horan at (630)689-3800. Visit www.buffandcoatnow.com.English Rows, Naperville
22 • WESTERN SUBURBS • JULY 2019 • Glancer Magazine Order a Free Digital Subscription to Receive lancer Daily at www. lancerMagazine.comThe Art of OrganizationCLOSET FACTORY–A personalized storage solu-tion built around you; that is Closet Factory. Ourteam of space-enhancing master designers takepride organizing any space in your home. Our goal,from simple to spectacular is to create a storage so-lution tailored to you. We are proud creators of moreTime, Space and Peace every day. This is our pas-sion 100% guaranteed by a lifetime warranty. Reserve your complimentary in-home consultation866-ART-2-ORG (866-278-2674)2 0 1 9 G U I D ETransform Your Kitchen SpaceHERITAGE CABINETRY DESIGNS–The Heritage Cab-inetry team is well-versed on bringing you designs thatcan transform your space, creating breathtaking kitchendesigns to relaxing master suites. Heritage designersare also well-versed in design and project management,and through the use of Computer Aided-Design technol-ogy and a beautiful interactive design studio featuringcabinetry, quartz countertops, flooring, tile and fixtures,there are no limits to the unique designs that await you.www.HeritageCabinetryDesigns.com (630) 553-0880 • Free Design ConsultationDesigner Baths, Kitchens & MoreSKILL-BUILT REMODELING SPECIALISTS–This re-modeling company has been making changes in thehomes of customers just like you throughoutNaperville and the western suburbs for over 20 years.Through the years they have built a reputation of Qual-ity and trust which brings their customers back timeand time again.Start planning your new kitchen, bath-room, basement or home improvement project today.Skill Built Remodeling Specialists - Excellence , Quality and Pride. www.skillbuilt.com, (630) 742-1397Modern Roller Shades Now ROSELAND DRAPERIES–Today’s modern rollershades offer the look of a classic window treatment,but now have so many extras! Integrated valances,decorative trims, easy stop controls and even mo-torization! They provide various levels of light filter-ing and come in so many beautiful fabrics. To giveyour windows a clean, streamlined look, these arethe perfect solution. Call (630) 355-1565 today for afree in-home estimate on these stunning shades!All Things BeautifulOSWEGO–Nestled in charming log cabins right out-side of downtown Oswego, Velvet Grace is worth thetrip with TWO shops to enjoy! In the Velvet Graceboutique, find unique home décor plus the latest andgreatest in gifts and jewelry. In the Velvet Grace StyleStudio, enjoy trending apparel for every season. Newhome décor and apparel arriving daily! Also a proudretailer of the Annie Sloan chalk paint and products.Velvet Grace, 4025 US Highway 34, Oswego,www.velvetgrace.net, (630) 636-6570Tired of Tiny Shower Time?THE KITCHEN MASTER–You’ll be surprised howmany ways a tight shower can be made to seem big-ger or expanded even in the in the smallest bath-rooms-recessed niches, lower curbs, expanded glasswalls. You can learn some of the many tricks and tech-niques of enjoying a better shower experience bystarting a conversation with one of the Certified Bath-room Designers at The Kitchen Master in Naperville.Call or stop in. 600 Industrial Dr. (630) 369-0500. Seetheir work at www.thekitchenmaster.com
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Glancer Magazine • JULYE 2019 • WESTERN SUBURBS • 25FAMILY DENTISTRY WITH A WIDE ARRAY OF SERVICESValley View Dental offers an array of general and cosmetic dentistry, pe-riodontal, dental implants, oral surgery, and orthodontic procedures, in-cluding traditional braces, Invisalign, teeth whitening, CEREC one-daycrowns and even same day emergency visits. With a large staff of multi-lingual doctors, on-site labs at each location, and extended business andweekend hours, Valley View Dental has the ability to treat patients ac-cording to their own schedules and convenience. Stop by and see whyothers in the community have trusted Valley View Dental for almost 20years. Valley View Dental www.vvdental.com. Located In Naperville,Montgomery & Romeoville.S U M M E R 2 0 1 9HELP FOR ALOPECIATUBELLA HAIR STUDIO–Alpoecia is a misunderstood autoimmunecondition that includes Alopecia Areata, Alpoecia Totalis, or AlopeciaUniversalis. Nearly 5 million Americans(2% of the population) areaffected. The cause is unknown and there is no cure. Alopecia ishighly unpredictable, as hair loss and regrowth can occur at anytime. TuBella offers new technology to recreate someones naturalhair and scalp and it’s available at TuBella Hair Studio in Lislethrough their new partner company Cesare Ragazzi. They have de-veloped a 3D printed hair prosthetic. www.tubellhairstudios.com HIGH-TECH DENTAL OFFICE IN GLEN ELLYNGLEN ELLYN DENTISTRY– Owner, Dr. CharisePetrelli (pictured) is skilled in all aspects of gen-eral and cosmetic dentistry for patients of allages. Boasting the latest technological ad-vancements, using digital x-rays, which con-tain 80-90% less radiation than traditionalfilm x-rays. Staff includes Dr. ChristopherZwiercan, takes great pride in knowing theirpatients individually and treating them likefamily. Glen Ellyn Dentistry, 462 ProspectAvenue, Glen Ellyn, (630) 942-0727,www.glenellyndentistry.comMEDICALLY MONITORED WEIGHT LOSSWESTERN SUBURBS – At ThinfastMD we specialize in Medically MonitoredWeight Loss throughout the Chicagoland area. Our weight loss programs arespecifically customized and tailored to each patient’s health and weight lossgoals. Whether you want to lose 5 lbs before a special occasion, or 50 lbs tolive a healthier medication free life, we are committed to getting each of our pa-tients to their goal. Our long-term relationship with our patients not only ensuresthat they achieve a better lifestyle, but continue to maintain one well after meet-ing their goals. Dr. Ghani, our medical director, and the rest of the ThinfastMDteam have over 3 decades of weight loss experience. We are ready to take youon a path for a lighter and healthier you! Come see us in Naperville or ArlingtonHeights for a complimentary consultation for Botox/Fillers with our injector MonaMahmood! www.thinfastmd.comDr. GhaniMedical DirectorThinFast Md20% OFF COOLSCULPTINGWESTERN SUBURBS–Look & feelbeautiful in 2019 with Concierge MedicalSpa. They offer non-invasive proceduresof aesthetic services: skin rejuvenation,hair removal, injectables and body con-touring– just to name a few. Their highlytrained staff is specialized in the latestaesthetic medical treatments, customiz-ing each treatment specifically for youstarting with a complimentary consulta-tion. Book your consult today & receive20% off CoolScupting when you mentionGlancer Magazine. See ad for specials.www.conciergemedspa.com/glancer
6. MEDITATION HEALING AT PRANA YOGA CENTERGENEVA–Quiet your brain and experience the incrediblehealth benefits of meditation. Start your journey to a moremindful and healthy life with instruction in beginning, sound healingand source code meditation and bring your body, mind and emotionsback into harmony with the soul or spirit. 321 Stevens St., Genevawww.pranayogacenter.com7. FLOAT YOUR STRESS AWAY AT ANNICA FLOAT CLUBNAPERVILLE–Find a quiet space to just BE. Float in 10inches of skin temperature water with 1,600 pounds ofEpsom salt to keep you afloat even if you fall asleep. You have yourown private Float Room and can control the underwater LED lightand white noise. 4S100 N. IL-59, Naperville www.floatnaperville.com2. WELLNESS THROUGH YOGANAPERVILLE–Whether you are new toyoga or an experienced yogi, there is a classfor you at Abhyaasa Yoga to awaken your body,mind and spirit through postures and breathwork. For a more extended practice, join themon their mid-July weekend Return to Stillnessretreat. 124 S. Webster St., Naperville www.ab-hyaasayoga.com5. BACK TO NATURE AT THE MORTON ARBORETUMLISLE–Discover Aerial Yoga tostretch and release stress whilehaving fun cocooned in a hammocksuspended from the trees at The MortonArboretum, or take a Forest Therapy Walk and ex-perience the wellness effects of Shinrin-Yoku, thepractice of bathing the senses in the atmosphere of theforest. 4100 Illinois Route 53, Lisle, www.mortonarb.org/learn-experience/course-guide3. HAVEN MEDICAL SPAYORKVILLE–Haven Medical Spais located inside of Brenart EyeClinic. Theirr staff is highly trainedand educated in effective-researchproven treatments, non-surgical en-hancement procedures, as well as, skin reju-venation treatments. Committed to provideoutstanding services at affordable rates, theystrive to offer the best available treatmentsand technology to help you look and feel yourbest. www.havenmedicalspa.comIf the stresses of everyday life are getting to you, find a day or two to visit some of these relaxing destinations to help nourish the body, mind and soul. There areplenty of unique and fun experiences to try out until you find the one or several that works for you. It’s a great opportunity to plan a visit, forget everything, focus onyou and just BREATHE. Here is our list of 7 Spectacular Mid-Summer Local Wellness Retreats–1.MID-SUMMER LOCAL WELLNESS RETREATS7. HEALING GARDENS AT STONEHILL FARMST. CHARLES– Replenish your soul whilewalking through over a dozen beautiful gar-dens, each with their own theme. On Sun-days, you can participate in a yoga or TaiChi class while enjoying nature’s colors orstay quiet during their select Saturdaymorning meditation groups. 37W249Dean St., St. Charleswww.healinggardensatstonehillfarm.com4. SALT CAVESNAPERVILLE AND LAGRANGEExperience the healing elementsof the salt caves made with tons of HimalayanSalt known to have several health benefits aswell as help purify and balance your body. Addon a unique spa treatment like a detox footbathor an aqua massage for total relaxation.Naperville Salt Cave, 1324 E. Ogden Ave.,Naperville www.napervillesaltcave.com, Primal Ocean Salt Cave, 8 S. LaGrangewww.primaloceanssaltcave.com4.5.26 • WESTERN SUBURBS • JULY 2019 • Glancer Magazine Order a Free Digital Subscription to Receive lancer Daily at www. lancerMagazine.com
July 2019Simple LivingVol 18 / Issue 175Featuring the Best of West Suburban ChicagoSubscribe to Receive Every Issue atwww.GlancerMagazine.com